Helion and Company

Helion & Company Ltd is one of the world’s leading publishers and booksellers of military history in the English language. The company was founded in 1996 by University of Warwick graduate Duncan Rogers.
Since its inception, Helion has gone from strength to strength and currently publishes approximately 100 titles per annum.
Helion was quick to embrace the world of social media and is proud to currently have more than 4,000 followers on its Twitter account, which is monitored and updated with fresh content on a daily basis to ensure the latest news is always readily available.
The Twitter account works in tandem with the Helion website (www.helion.co.uk), which hosts current news stories – such as the company working in association with the Western Front Association to offer unique First World War scholarship prizes – alongside details of forthcoming events, the latest company catalog and a series of links for browsers to learn more about titles both old and new.
The recently-launched Wolverhampton Military Studies series boasts more than a dozen titles, which are designed to present academic military history in a new and innovative way – a fitting concept for a forward-thinking company.
Helion’s commitment to implementing fresh, bold business ideas is also suitably exemplified in its recent decision to supply a series of high-quality military art prints to customers for framing and display.
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Tracing my African Routes
Out and Back to Africa in a 1929 Morris Minor
Price: $37.95
ISBN: 9781804517413
Pub Date: 2025-03-30
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Helion and Company
318 Pages
The Little Car That Could!In 1970 a young Peter W. Hills hears of a rusty wreck hidden in dense bush in Africa. He has to have this 1929 Morris Tourer and breathe life back into it.He recounts a fascinating...
British Military Panoramas
Battle in the Round, 1800-1914
Price: $45.00
ISBN: 9781915113849
Pub Date: 2023-01-19
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Helion and Company
210 Pages
Originating in the 1780s, 360º panorama paintings were immensely popular in nineteenth century Britain, those devoted to battle bringing together art, patriotism and mass entertainment in ways that reinforced Britain’s expanding global presence. This book explores the forgotten history of British military panoramas.
The Battle of the Peaks and Long Stop Hill
Tunisia, April-May 1943
Price: $59.95
ISBN: 9781911628934
Pub Date: 2019-09-04
Format: Hardcover
Imprint: Helion and Company
368 Pages
The Battle of the Peaks is the first book to be specifically devoted to the forgotten fighting that took place in the hills of northern Tunisia in the spring of 1943. The author brings to life the fascinating story of a successful British victory in battle in April 1943 by the 78th “Battle Axe” Infantry Division that has previously been ignored by
Victory over Disease
Resolving the Medical Crisis in the Crimean War, 1854-1856
Price: $59.95
ISBN: 9781911628316
Pub Date: 2019-10-11
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Helion and Company
308 Pages
Detailed analyses of primary documents associated with the medical aspects of the Crimean campaign indicate that the catastrophic collapse in the health of the British Army during the winter of 1854/55 was followed by a gradual improvement starting early in the New Year. This was not the result any major advances in medical science. Mainly, this wa
Faith of our Fathers
Catholic Chaplains with the British Army on the Western Front 1916-1919
Price: $79.95
ISBN: 9781912390915
Pub Date: 2018-08-21
Format: Hardcover
Imprint: Helion and Company
224 Pages
Religious, military, political, and social history is explored through the varied personal experiences of Catholic chaplains on the Western Front.
In Case
Price: $4.99
ISBN: 9781908916693
Pub Date: 2012-09-04
Format: Digital download
Imprint: Helion and Company
296 Pages
In Case is a murder story set in north Wales. The narrator is an English lawyer who is invited by the Professor, an old friend, to help launch the law department at a new university being established...
Dance of the Cranes
Price: $4.99
ISBN: 9781908916723
Pub Date: 2012-09-04
Format: Digital download
Imprint: Helion and Company
355 Pages
Selected for the task of researching a story with political overtones, fasttrack, up-and-coming Inspector Tim Medway has fears for his future promotion, added to when, as a result, he is seconded to...
Military Historian
My Part in the Birth and Development of War Studies 1966-2016
Price: $29.95
ISBN: 9781912390403
Pub Date: 2018-05-30
Format: Hardcover
Imprint: Helion and Company
152 Pages
This book describes the author’s role in pioneering a virtually new academic subject – military history/war studies.

Tracing my African Routes
Out and Back to Africa in a 1929 Morris Minor
Price: $37.95
ISBN: 9781804517413
Pub Date: 2025-03-30
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Helion and Company
318 Pages
British Military Panoramas
Battle in the Round, 1800-1914
Price: $45.00
ISBN: 9781915113849
Pub Date: 2023-01-19
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Helion and Company
210 Pages
The Battle of the Peaks and Long Stop Hill
Tunisia, April-May 1943
Price: $59.95
ISBN: 9781911628934
Pub Date: 2019-09-04
Format: Hardcover
Imprint: Helion and Company
368 Pages
Victory over Disease
Resolving the Medical Crisis in the Crimean War, 1854-1856
Price: $59.95
ISBN: 9781911628316
Pub Date: 2019-10-11
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Helion and Company
308 Pages
Faith of our Fathers
Catholic Chaplains with the British Army on the Western Front 1916-1919
Price: $79.95
ISBN: 9781912390915
Pub Date: 2018-08-21
Format: Hardcover
Imprint: Helion and Company
224 Pages
In Case
Price: $4.99
ISBN: 9781908916693
Pub Date: 2012-09-04
Format: Digital download
Imprint: Helion and Company
296 Pages
Dance of the Cranes
Price: $4.99
ISBN: 9781908916723
Pub Date: 2012-09-04
Format: Digital download
Imprint: Helion and Company
355 Pages
Military Historian
My Part in the Birth and Development of War Studies 1966-2016
Price: $29.95
ISBN: 9781912390403
Pub Date: 2018-05-30
Format: Hardcover
Imprint: Helion and Company
152 Pages