Maria Lawton
Maria Lawton, affectionately known as the “Azorean Green Bean,” stands as a culinary luminary and beloved host of the acclaimed series Maria’s Portuguese Table on PBS. Born on the stunning Azorean Island of Sao Miguel, part of the Portuguese archipelago nestled in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Maria’s culinary journey began amidst the vibrant flavors of her homeland. At the tender age of six, Maria’s family emigrated to the United States, like many new Americans, carrying with them the rich culinary traditions of the Azores. Food and cooking became central pillars of Maria’s family life, nurturing her love for Portuguese cuisine and sparking a lifelong passion for sharing its beauty with the world.Driven by an unwavering desire to preserve her cultural and culinary heritage, Maria wholeheartedly embraced these invaluable lessons, eventually sharing them with a broader audience through her award winning PBS Series, “Maria’s Portuguese Table.” Each episode serves as a tantalizing voyage through Portugal’s diverse regions, exploring the nuances of local cuisine, traditions, and historical significance. Maria’s endearing persona, culinary expertise, and profound reverence for her heritage have endeared her to viewers worldwide.
Beyond her television acclaim, she is also a celebrated author, with her first best-selling cookbook, Azorean Cooking: From My Family Table to Yours, serving as a cherished testament to her roots. Through a tapestry of personal stories and authentic recipes, Maria offers readers a poignant glimpse into the rich cultural landscape of Azorean cuisine. Her warm spirit and steadfast dedication continue to inspire audiences and food enthusiasts alike, elevating Portuguese cuisine onto the global stage of gastronomy.
At home, Maria finds solace with her husband Bob, Co-Executive Producer of the show, and their beloved cockapoo, Gracie. Embracing her role as a grandmother, Maria eagerly awaits the day when her grandchildren join her in the kitchen, ensuring the legacy of culinary traditions thrives for generations to come. In addition to her current projects, Maria is also in the process of penning several other books to be published soon, further enriching the world with her culinary wisdom and heartfelt narratives.