Becky Field's photography has won awards and been recognized by arts organizations and immigrant communities. In 2014 her work was selected for a juried exhibit at the NH Institute of Art. She was a Visiting Fellow at Derryfield School, Manchester, NH. Her photographs have been added to the permanent art collections at the NH Institute of Art and the Mariposa Museum, Peterborough, NH. Her first book, Different Roots, Common Dreams: New Hampshire's Cultural Diversity, includes photographs of immigrants at home, at work, celebrating traditions and practicing their faith. The introduction is by Maggie Hassan, former NH Governor, foreword by John Isaac, former Chief of United Nations Photo Unit, and six stories by NH immigrants. In her second book, Finding Home: Portraits and Memories of Immigrants, she photographed and interviewed 40 immigrant families in New Hampshire about their journeys to find a new home. The book includes an introduction by Gary Samson, NH Artist Laureate, and preface by George Bruno, Esq. US Ambassador (Ret.)
Becky studied at the NH Institute of Art, and at photography centers throughout the Northeast. In past work she was a wildlife ecologist and university professor. She has a doctoral degree in ecology and lives in Concord, NH.